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Architecture & Interior Design


邱上嘉 特聘教授
Shang-Chia Chiou
Tel:05-5342601 ext.6311
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美國卡內基美隆大學 建築系博士
美國卡內基美隆大學 建築系碩士
東海大學 建築研究所 建築碩士
東海大學 建築學系 建築學士
國立臺南藝術大學 校長(現職)
國立雲林科技大學 特聘教授
國立雲林科技大學 設計學研究所(博士班、碩士班) 教授
國立雲林科技大學 建築與室內設計系 教授
財團法人技專校院入學測驗中心基金會 副主任兼執行長
國立雲林科技大學 副校長
財團法人技專校院入學測驗中心基金會 副主任
雲林縣 副縣長(雲林縣政府借調,政務官)
嘉義市 副市長(嘉義市政府借調,政務官)
國立雲林科技大學 文化資產維護系暨研究所 教授
國立雲林科技大學 設計運算研究所 教授
國立高雄大學 民族藝術學系(改名「傳統工藝暨創意設計學系」)教授
國立臺北藝術大學 建築與古蹟保存研究所 兼任教授
東海大學 建築學系暨研究所 兼任教授
國立雲林科技大學 數位媒體設計系 籌備主任
國立雲林科技大學 設計運算研究所 所長
國立雲林科技大學 設計運算研究所 籌備主任
國立雲林科技大學 空間設計系暨研究所 系主任、所長
國立雲林科技大學 設計學院院長室 秘書
國立雲林科技大學 空間設計系暨研究所 副教授
國立臺北藝術大學 建築與古蹟保存研究所 兼任副教授
東海大學 建築學系暨研究所 兼任副教授
國立臺南藝術學院 建築藝術研究所 兼任副教授
國立雲林技術學院 空間設計系 講師
Research Assistant, Engineering Design Research Center & Department of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University
東海大學 建築研究中心 助理研究員
1. 建築設計
2. 傳統建築與聚落研究
3. 古蹟保存與維護
4. 風水理論研究
5. 文化資產研究
6. 電腦輔助設計
7. 設計運算理論
8. 形狀文法
1. 臺灣傳統建築基礎研究(包括傳統工匠與營造技術之研究)
2. 古蹟與歷史建築保存維護之研究(包括文化資產保存科技之研究)
3. 傳統聚落與五營相關議題之研究
4. 運算設計(computational design)、電腦輔助設計與形狀文法(shape grammars)
5. 風水理論研究
6. 建築史(文化資產保存)與電腦之整合研究
7. 其他有趣之課題
  1. 2014-2018 嘉義縣世界遺產潛力點推動計畫
  2. 2015-2018 建構文化資產守護網絡-文化資產學院人才培育計畫行政平台
  3. 2015-2018 建築文化資產時空資訊模型之研究(三年期)
  4. 2014-2016 傳統建築木作技術核心能力建置計畫
  5. 2017-2019 傳統技術工匠職能基準及其課程建置計畫
  6. 2016-2017 傳統匠師專案管理暨技術能力分級推動計畫
  7. 2018-2019 傳統匠師專案管理暨分級審查規範建置計畫
  8. 2017-2018 再造歷史現場專案計畫-專業資訊輔導平台
  9. 2017 再造歷史現場專案計畫—總體論述

Xiaoyang Zhu, Shang-chia, 2023, Exploring Place Attachment from the Perspective of Tourists' Visual Preferences for and Destination Image of the Architectural Environment of Taiping Old Street, Architecture Science, No.26, pp.23-41.
黃博洵, 邱上嘉, 李文英, 2022, 基於空間句法和景觀格局的城市綠地碎片化與城市化分析, 建築學報, Vol. 122, pp. 89-110. (TSSCI)
Xiaoyang Zhu, Shang-chia Chiou, 2022, A Study on the Sustainable Development of Historic District Landscapes Based on Place Attachment among Tourists: A Case Study of Taiping Old Street, Taiwan, Sustainability, Vol. 14, No. 18, 11755 (26 pages). (SSCI, SCIE)
Di Feng, Shang-chia Chiou, Feng Wang, 2022, Exploring the Initiative Learning of Cultural Heritage Education from the Legibility of Traditional Garden Perforated Window Patterns, Architecture Science, No. 25, pp. 21-50.
Wen-Ying Li, Shang-Chia Chiou, Bo-Xun Huang, 2022, The Sense of Safety and Active Leisure in Gated Enclaves: Evidence from Fuzhou University Campus, Sustainability, Vol. 14, No. 13, 7784 (20 pages). (SSCI, SCIE)
邱上嘉, 2021, 匠作築新—「2020文化資產保存技術展」之緣由及理念, 文化資產保存學刊, No.56, pp.113-117.
Bo-Xun Huang, Shang-Chia Chiou, and Wen-Ying Li (2021). “Landscape Pattern and Ecological Network Structure in Urban Green Space Planning: A Case Study of Fuzhou City.” Land (Volume 10, Issue 8; 21 July): 769 (23 pages). (SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=3.395) (in English) [DOI:]
Wen-Jie Yan and Shang-chia Chiou (2021). “Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Civic Participation: Informal Education of Chinese Embroidery Handicrafts.” Sustainability (Volume 13, Issue 9, May): 4958 (21 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.576) (in English) [DOI:]
Di Feng, Shang-chia Chiou, and Feng Wang (2021). “On the Sustainability of Local Cultural Heritage Based on the Landscape Narrative: A Case Study of Historic Site of Qing Yan Yuan, China.” Sustainability (Volume 13, Issue 5, March): 2831 (31 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.798) (in English) [DOI:]
Man-Ting Ku, Shang-Chia Chiou, and Hsin-Te Chan (2020). “Study of Multimedia Animation Materials’ Design in Environmental Science Education.” Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (Vol. 21, No 2, June): 663-671. (SCIE, Impact Factor (2019) = 0.692, 5 Year Impact Factor (2019) = 0.657) (in English)
Wen-Jie Yan and Shang-Chia Chiou (2020). “Dimensions of Customer Value for the Development of Digital Customization in the Clothing Industry.” Sustainability (Volume 12, Issue 11, June): 4639 (26 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su12114639]
Bo-Xun Huang, Shang-Chia Chiou, and Wen-Ying Li (2020). “Accessibility and Street Network Characteristics of Urban Public Facility Spaces: Equity Research on Parks in Fuzhou City Based on GIS and Space Syntax Model.” Sustainability (Volume 12, Issue 9, April): 3618 (18 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [DOI:]
Hai-fan Wang and Shang-chia Chiou (2020). “Spatial Form Analysis and Sustainable Development Research of Traditional Residential Buildings.” Sustainability (Volume 12, Issue 2, January): 637 (19 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [doi:10.3390/su12020637]
Chen-Fu Wang, Ching-Chu Hung, Chih-Chieh Yang, Shang-chia Chiou, and I-Chun Chen (2019). “The Study on the Infringement of Modern Law over the Regeneration of the Decrepit Kyomachiya Architecture.” Architecture Science (20, 2019/12/01): 31-54. (ISSN: 22191577) (in English) [DOI: 10.3966/221915772019120020003]
Hai-fan Wang and Shang-chia Chiou (2019). “Research on the Sustainable Development of Traditional Dwellings.” Sustainability (Volume 11, Issue 19, September): 5333 (14 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su11195333]
Hai-fan Wang and Shang-chia Chiou (2019). “Study on the Sustainable Development of Human Settlement Space Environment in Traditional Villages.” Sustainability (Volume 11, Issue 5, August): 4186 (22 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su11154186]
Li-ying Lin, Shang-chia Chiou, Shu-hui Wang, and Ching-chi Chi (2019). “Effects of Facial Threading on Female Skin Texture: A Prospective Trial with Physiological Parameters and Sense Assessment.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Volume 2019, August): 8 pages. (Article ID 1535713 ) (SCIE, 2018 Impact Factor = 0.821) (in English) [DOI: 10.1155/2019/1535713]
徐利、邱上嘉(2019).〈中國傳統空間概念中整體景觀策略之探討〉.《建築學報》(第108期,June 2019):103-119.臺北:臺灣建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212) (in Chinese)  [DOI:10.3966/101632122019060108006]
Yun-Ciao Wang and Shang-chia Chiou (2019). “Factors Analysis of Cultural Heritages Preservation with Tamsui Case Based on Biological Inheritance and Grounded Theory.” Architecture Science (19, June 2019 ): 15-36. (ISSN: 22191577) (in English) [DOI: 10.3966/221915772019060019002]
Li Xu and Shang-chia Chiou (2019). “The Universal Spirit in the Landscape Resembling “Taiji Diagram” of Yuyuan Village.” Architecture Science (19, June 2019 ): 1-14. (ISSN: 22191577) (in English) [DOI: 10.3966/221915772019060019001]
Yu-Jie Xu, Shang-Chia Chiou, and Manlai You (2019). “Effects of Improving the Interactive Design of a Chinese Character Learning System on the Learning Performance of Chinese as Foreign Language Students.” Computer Assisted Language Learning (April 2019):1-20. (SSCI, A&HCI, RG Journal Impact: 1.28; 2018 Impact Factor = 2.018) (in English) [DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2019.1599961]
Chuan-Jen Sun and Shang-chia Chiou (2019). “The Comparison of Campus Planning Development at the Initial Stage of School Establishment: A Study of the Two Newly Instituted Private Universities of Science and Technology in Taiwan.” Sustainability (Volume 11, Issue 6, March): 1525 (24 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su11061525] (MOST 103-2410-H-224-018)
Bo-Xun Huang, Shang-Chia Chiou, and Wen-Ying Li (2019). “Study on Courtyard Residence and Cultural Sustainability: Reading Chinese Traditional Siheyuan through Space Syntax.” Sustainability (Volume 11, Issue 6, February): 1582 (15 pages). (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su11061582]
Li Xu and Shang-chia Chiou (2019). “A Study on the Public Landscape Order of Xinye Village.” Sustainability (Volume 11, Issue 3, January): 1-20. (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.801) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su11030586]
Yun-Ciao Wang and Shang-chia Chiou (2018). “An Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Environmental Education Provided by Museums.” Sustainability (Volume 10, Issue 11, November): 1-19. (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.177) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su10114054]
Li-ying Lin and Shang-chia Chiou (2018). “Influence of Facial Threading on Various Physiological Parameters of the Skin: Non-randomized Trial Involving Adult Women in Taiwan.” Anais Brasileiros De Dermatologia (Volume 93, No. 5, September): 695-664. (ISSN 1806-4841 online version) (SCIE, Impact Factor=0.884) (in English) [DOI: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20186865]
Li Xu and Shang-chia Chiou (2018). “An Exploration of the Cultural Landscape Model of Zhuge Village.” Sustainability (Volume 10, Issue 9, September): 1-18. (SCIE, SSCI. 5-year Impact Factor=2.177) (in English) [DOI: 10.3390/su10093172]
孫傳仁、邱上嘉(2018).〈科技大學創校初期校園規劃發展歷程之研究:以國立雲林科技大學為例〉.《設計學刊》(第三卷第一期,June 2018):51-73.(in Chinese)
陳怡君、邱上嘉(2018).〈應用彩虹層級模型於跨世代服裝設計偏好因素之研究〉.《紡織綜合研究期刊》(第28卷第2期,April 2018):8-22.(in Chinese)
Shang-chia Chiou and Yun-Ciao Wang (2018). “The Example Application of Genetic Algorithm for the Framework of Cultural and Creative Brand Design in Tamsui Historical Museum.” Soft Computing: A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications (Volume 22, Issue 8; April 2018): 2527-2545. (SCI, Impact Factor=2.367, ISSN 1432-7643 (Print), 1433-7479 (Online)) (in English) [DOI:]
夏錦、邱上嘉(2018).〈廈門鼓浪嶼地方居民對文化遺產保護認知之研究〉.《都市與計劃》(第45卷第1期,March 31, 2018):53-79.(TSSCI, ISSN: 1018-1067)(in Chinese)
Li-ying Lin and Shang-chia Chiou (2018). “Application of Perceptual Evaluation for Skin Assessment of Threaded Skin.” International Journal of Affective Engineering (Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan. 31, 2018): 1-8. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE) (ONLINE ISSN: 2187-5413) (in English) []
[Released: January 31, 2018; [Advance publication] Released: October 18, 2017]
I-Chun Chen and Shang-chia Chiou (2017). “The Study on the Scope of the "Silver Molding Street" and the Context of the Goldsmiths in Tainan City at the Preliminary Perios of Japanese Colonization.” Architecture Science (16, December 2017): 19-40. (ISSN: 22191577)  (in English)
[DOI: 10.3966/221915772017120016002]
Shu-Ping Feng, Shang-chia Chiou, Jen Yen, and Wen-tsung Hwang (2017). “System Design and Usability of Homecare Smartwatches.” Journal of the Science of Design (Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2017): 11-20 . Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD) (ONLINE ISSN: 2186-5221; PRINT ISSN: 0910-8173) (in English) (DOI:
邱上嘉、王筠喬(2017).〈植基於文化基因概念規劃設計淡水古蹟博物館商店的營運管理》.《博物館學季刊》(VOl. 31, No. 2;April 2017):59-87.(in Chinese) [DOI: 10.6686/MuseQ.2017.31.2.3]
Jin Xia and Shang-chia Chiou (2016). “On the Preservation of Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of "Landscape".” Architecture Science (14, December 2016): 29-53. (ISSN: 22191577) (in English) [DOI:10.3966/221915772016120014003]
Wen-Chi Chuang and Shang-chia Chiou (2016). “Development of Taiwanese Interior Design Since the End of World War II.” Bulletin of Japanese Society for Science of Design(デザイン学研究)(Vol. 63, No. 4, December 2016): 99-108. Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD) (ONLINE ISSN: 2186-5221; PRINT ISSN: 0910-8173) (in English) []
陳怡君、邱上嘉(2016).〈日治初期臺南市中區傳統金匠脈絡研究〉.《人口學刊》(第53期,December 2016):97-138.(TSSCI, ISSN: 1018-3841)(in Chinese) [DOI: 10.6191/JPS.2016.53.03]
陳怡君、邱上嘉(2016).〈以西方傳統美學服裝風貌探討消費者對服裝型態認知差異〉.《藝術學報》(第5期,September 2016):142-169.新北市:天主教輔仁大學藝術學院.(in Chinese)
Tse-Wei Hsu, Shang-chia Chiou, and Ji-Hyun Lee (2015). “On Spatio-temporal Ontology Projection for Constructing Topology Logical Framework.” Architecture Science (12, December 2015):1-18. (MOST 104-2410-H-224-036-MY3) (ISSN: 22191577) (in English)
邱上嘉、許玉潔、游萬來(2015).〈漢字習寫系統之使用性研究:以「習字e筆通」為例〉.《科技學刊》(第24卷‧第1期,July 2015):51-70.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500) (in Chinese)
邱上嘉、許擇瑋、李知炫(2014).〈Cubism:空間類文化資產時空資料庫詮釋資料之研究〉.《科技學刊》(第23卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,December 2014):135-143.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500) (in Chinese)
林麗英、邱上嘉(2014).〈新娘彩妝視覺意象分析之研究:以2008~2012年新新娘雜誌為例〉.《設計學報》(第19卷第4期,December 2014):57-80.臺北:中華民國設計學會.(科技部藝術學門特優期刊,THCI Core, THCI, ISSN: 1606-8327)(in Chinese)
Kuo-Liang Chang, Shang-chia Chiou, and Jih-Lian Ha (2014). “Performance Evaluation of the Construction of American Military Housing after the War towards Local Development.” Acta Oeconomica (Volume 64, Supplement 2): 317-326. DOI: 10.1556/AOecon.64.2014.Suppl.22. (SSCI, Scopus, ISSN: 0001-6373) (in English)
Kuo-Liang Chang, Shang-chia Chiou, and Jih-Lian Ha (2014). “Effects of American Cultural Identity on Purchase Intention of American Commodity: An Example of American Military Housing after the War.” Acta Oeconomica (Volume 64, Supplement 2): 303-315. DOI: 10.1556/AOecon.64.2014.Suppl.21. (SSCI, Scopus, ISSN: 0001-6373) (in English)
繆遠、邱上嘉(2014).〈「境」之聚落空間形構研究:以福建閩東地區之個案為例〉.《建築學報》(第89期,September 2014,秋季號):135-152.DOI: 10.3966/101632122014090089008.臺北:臺灣建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212)(NSC 102-2410-H-224-021)(in Chinese)
Thomas C. Blair and Shang-chia Chiou (2014). “The Impact of Brand Knowledge on Consumers of Different Genders and from Different Cultures.” Asia Pacific Management Review (APMR)(Volume 19 Number 1, March 2014): 47-59. DOI: 10.6126/APMR.2014.19.1.03. (TSSCI, Scopus, ISSN: 1029-3132, Ranking: 8/46 in Management, Taiwan) (in English) []
林麗英、邱上嘉(2013).〈傳統美容挽臉技術之實證研究〉.《科技學刊》(第22卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,December 2012):169-180.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500) (in Chinese)
Yuan Miao and Shang-chia Chiou (2013). “Study on the Wind Environment of the Architecture Communities: Traditional Typical Min Nan Human Settlements’ Case.” Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Vol. 2013): 11 pages. Article ID 467076. DOI: 10.1155/2013/467076. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.383) (ISSN: 1024-123X, e-ISSN: 1563-5147) (in English)
蘇沛琪、邱上嘉(2012).〈日治時期嘉義市中國籍傳統工匠在臺執業脈絡研究〉.《建築學報》(第82期,December 2012):143-162.臺北:臺灣建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212)(NSC 99-2410-H-224-025, NSC 100-2410-H-224-019, NSC 101-2410-H-224-038)(in Chinese) 〔臺灣建築學會101年度《建築學報》人文類論文獎〕
Pei-Chi Su, Shang-chia Chiou, and Takeyuki Okubo (2012). “On the Tread of Traditional Carpenters from Japan during Japanese Colonial Period in Chiayi City.” Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ,日本建築学会計画系論文集) (第77卷第679號,September 2012): 2271-2281. Tokyo, Japan: Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ). (NSC 99-2410-H-224-025, NSC 100-2410-H-224-019) (in English)
蘇沛琪、邱上嘉(2012).〈日治時期嘉義市福籍傳統工匠脈絡研究〉.《設計學報》(第17卷第3期,September 2012):95-113.臺北:中華民國設計學會.(國科會人文處特優期刊,THCI Core,ISSN: 1606-8327)(NSC 99-2410-H-224-025, NSC 100-2410-H-224-019) (in Chinese)
蘇沛琪、邱上嘉(2012).〈日治時期嘉義市建築工匠脈絡研究〉.《科技學刊》(第21卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,August 2012):111-124.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(NSC 99-2410-H-224-025, NSC 100-2410-H-224-019)(in Chinese)
Wan-Ting Chiu and Shang-chia Chiou (2012). “The Practice and Value of Bionic Design Thinking.” Bulletin of Japanese Society for Science of Design (デザイン学研究)(Vol. 58, No. 5, January 2012): 1-10. Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD)(ISSN : 0910-8173 / 0910-8173) (in English)
Thomas C. Blair, Jia-yu Wu, Fang-Suey Lin, and Shang-chia Chiou (2011). “Cross-Culture Communication through Media.” (〈運用媒體之跨文化溝通〉)《科技學刊》(第20卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,December 2011):151-162.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in English)
Thomas C. Blair, Jia-yu Wu, Shang-chia Chiou, Shiann-Far Kung, and Meng-Dar Shieh (2011). “Brand Image Communication through Multicultural.” The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management (Volume 11, Issue 3): 85-98. (in English)
李新富、邱上嘉、陳俊宏、劉俐華(2011).〈韓國設計政策發展策略及執行成效之探討〉.《科技學刊》(第20卷‧人文社會類‧第1期,June 2011):85-96.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
邱婉婷、邱上嘉(2011).〈從知識形式與草圖探討仿生設計思考〉.《科技學刊》(第20卷‧人文社會類‧第1期,June 2011):69-83.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
Pei-Chi Su and Shang-chia Chiou (2011). “Preliminary Explosion on Ancient Architecture’s Disaster Prevention Design Strategy: Buildings in Lin’s Village in Wufeng.” Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal (Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2011): 113-130. (in English)
Cherng Chin, Huai-Chih Chen, Lih-Hsing Hsu, Shang-chia Chiou, and Kuo-Tung Lai (2010). “Super Spanning Connectivity of the Fully Connected Cubic Networks.” Journal of Interconnection Networks (Vol. 11, Nos. 1&2, March & June 2010): 61-70. (EI) (in English)
Thomas C. Blair, Meng-Dar Shieh, Kuo-Hsiang Chen, and Shang-chia Chiou (2010). “The Rebirth of Phoenix: A Dying Cultures Chinese Opera.” International Journal of the Humanities (Volume 7, Issue 12, March 2010): 67-76. (in English)
邱上嘉、莊玟琦、管倖生(2010).〈亞歷山大模式語言運用於閒置空間再利用之研究〉.《建築學報》(71期,March 2010):1-25.臺北:中華民國建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212)(in Chinese)
賴明茂、黃世孟、邱上嘉(2009).〈讀者對鄉鎮層級之公共圖書館空間使用的調查評估:以彰化、雲林、嘉義縣地區為例〉.《科技學刊》(第18卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,December 2009):143-152.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
Chun-Jen Liang, Shang-chia Chiou, and Ya-Chieh Lee (2009). “A Case Study of Conservation in a Developing Area.” International Journal of the Humanities (Volume 7, Issue 10, November 2009): 105-144. (in English)
Thomas C. Blair, Kuo-Hsiang Chen, Meng-Dar Shieh, and Shang-chia Chiou (2009). “Brand a Nation: What is being Brand? The Impact of Olympics on China.” International Journal of the Humanities (Volume 7, Issue 10, November 2009): 57-66. (in English)
Wen-Chi Chuang and Shang-chia Chiou (2009). “The Study of the Need of Interior Design Based on the Interaction between Humans and Environment.” International Journal of the Humanities (Volume 7, Issue 4, September 2009): 145-160. (in English)
Kuo-Liang Chang and Shang-chia Chiou (2009). “Investigations into the Repair Techniques of Color Paintings in Taiwanese Historic Buildings.” International Journal of the Humanities (Volume 7, Issue 4, September 2009): 53-66. (in English)
Wen-Chi Chuang, Hui-Chung Chien, and Shang-chia Chiou (2009). “On the Factors of the Interior Design Movement in Taiwan after World War II: Views of Members of the Association of Interior Designers.” International Journal of the Humanities (Volume 7, Issue 2, August 2009): 101-120. (in English)
Cherng Chin, Tien-Hsiung Weng, Lih-Hsing Hsu, and Shang-chia Chiou (2009). “The Spanning Connectivity of the Burnt Pancake Graphs.” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (Vol. E92-D, No. 3, March 2009): 389-400. (SCI) (in English)
邱上嘉、張賽青、黃明泰(2008).〈漢寶德先生捐贈漢光建築師事務所歷年修復建築資產資料之接收與整理報告〉.《文化資產保存學刊》(第6期,Dcember 2008):46-59.臺中:行政院文化建設委員會文化資產總管理處籌備處.(in Chinese)
王貞富、陳淮之、金城、邱上嘉(2008).〈傳統建築灰作材料熱反應性質及其種類之分析研究〉.《建築學報》(65期,September 2008):157-174.臺北:中華民國建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212)(in Chinese)
姚村雄、陳俊宏、邱上嘉(2008).〈日治時期美術設計的「台灣圖像」符號分析〉.《設計學報》(第13卷第2期,June 2008):69-87.臺北:中華民國設計學會.(THCI, ISSN: 1606-8327)(in Chinese)
姚村雄、陳俊宏、邱上嘉、俞佩君(2008).〈日治時期「仁丹」藥品報紙廣告設計比較研究-以台灣、日本、中國三地為例〉.《科技學刊》(第17卷‧人文社會類‧第1期,April 2008):59-72.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
賴明茂、黃世孟、邱上嘉(2007).〈地域性公共圖書館建築空間規劃設計的層級決策分析研究〉.《建築學報》(62期,December 2007):117-139.臺北:中華民國建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212)(in Chinese)
張志源、邱上嘉(2007).〈西元1937-1945年臺灣淡水水上機場角色功能與空間配置之研究〉.《科技學刊》(第16卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,October 2007):151-161.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
賴明茂、黃世孟、邱上嘉(2007).〈圖書館管理人員對鄉鎮層級之公共圖書館的空間使用評估:以彰化、雲林、嘉義縣地區為例〉.《科技學刊》(第16卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,October 2007):141-150.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
Chih-yuan Chang and Shang-chia Chiou (2007). “The Environmental Sustainability and the Rebirth of a Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Old Neihu Quarry in Taipei, Taiwan.” Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (Vol. 6, No. 1; May 2007):17-24. (ISSN: 1346-7581)(SCI、AHCI)(in English)
賴明茂、黃世孟、邱上嘉(2007).〈鄉鎮公共圖書館建築空間變遷分析之研究:以彰化、雲林、嘉義縣地區為例〉.《科技學刊》(第16卷‧人文社會類‧第1期,April 2007):75-90.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
張志源、邱上嘉(2006).〈古蹟修復工程工作報告書書寫體例之比較研究:以日本山形縣舊縣廳舍、臺灣臺南州廳及臺北市舊市府大樓為例〉.《科技學刊》(第15卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,December 2006):137-150.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
游曉貞、陳國祥、邱上嘉(2006).〈直接知覺論在產品設計應用之審視〉.《設計學報》(第11卷第3期,September 2006):13-28.臺北:中華民國設計學會.(THCI, ISSN: 1606-8327)(in Chinese)
游曉貞、邱上嘉、陳國祥(2006).〈承擔性的設計應用之探討〉.《科技學刊》(第15卷‧科技類‧第3期,September 2006):241-251.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
王貞富、邱上嘉、陳淮之(2006).〈傳統磚砌建築磚牆灰縫以CO2養護後之材料性質研究〉.《建築學報》(56期,June 2006):27-49.臺北:中華民國建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212)(in Chinese)
方鳳玉、邱上嘉(2005).〈臺灣傳統聚落「五營」之空間形式解析:以雲林地區為例〉.《科技學刊》(第14卷‧人文社會類‧第1期,June 2005):45-62.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(NSC 87-2412-H-224-001, NSC 88-2415-H-224-001, NSC 92-2415-H-224-001)(in Chinese)
方鳳玉、邱上嘉(2004).〈形式及功能的分離、轉化與重構:以舊建築再利用為例〉.《科技學刊》(第13卷‧人文社會類‧第2期,October 2004):133-146.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
邱上嘉、方鳳玉(2004).〈臺灣傳統民居建築之身體觀〉.《建築學報》(47期,June 2004):35-51.臺北:中華民國建築學會.(TSSCI, THCI, ISSN: 1016-3212)(in Chinese)
方鳳玉、邱上嘉(2003).〈從「虛擬空間」的概念談歷史性建築之保存〉.《C+A文化與建築研究集刊》(9,June 2003):53-78.臺南:國立成功大學.(THCI)(in Chinese)
方鳳玉、邱上嘉(2003).〈臺灣西南沿海地區的五營形式〉.《臺灣美術》(第53期,臺灣歷史建築專輯,July 2003):55-62.臺中:國立臺灣美術館.(NSC 87-2412-H-224-001, NSC 88-2415-H-224-001, NSC 89-2415-H-224-002, NSC 89-2415-H-224-003, NSC 90-2415-H-224-002)(THCI, ISSN: 1015-8421)(in Chinese)
邱上嘉、張燕琳(2001).〈歷史街屋維護後再使用之環境行為研究:以「鹿港古蹟保存區」為例〉.《大葉學報》(Journal of Da-yeh University)(Vol. 10, No. 1,June 2001):1-12.彰化:大葉大學.(THCI, ISSN: 1021-7940)(in Chinese)
邱上嘉、方鳳玉、黃秋萍(2000).〈斗六大潭庄祭祀空間領域之探究〉.《科技學刊》(Journal of Science and Technology)(第9卷第4期,October 2000):349-356.斗六:國立雲林科技大學.(NSC 87-2412-H-224-001, NSC 88-2415-H-224-001)(THCI, ISSN: 1023-4500)(in Chinese)
S.-C. Chiou and R. Krishnamurti (1997). “Unraveling Feng-shui.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design (Vol. 24, No. 4; July 1997): 549-572. (SSCI, ISSN: 0265-8135)(in English)
S.-C. Chiou and R. Krishnamurti (1996). “Example Taiwanese Traditional Houses.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design (Vol. 23, No. 2; March 1996): 191-216. (SSCI, ISSN: 0265-8135)(in English)
S.J. Fenves, H. Rivard, N. Gomez, and S.-C. Chiou (1995). “Conceptual Structure Design in SEED.” Journal of Architectural Engineering (Vol. 1, No. 4; December 1995): 179-186. (ISSN: 1076-0431)(in English)
S.-C. Chiou and R. Krishnamurti (1995). “The Grammatical Basis of Chinese Traditional Architecture.” Languages of Design 3 (1995): 5-31. (ISSN: 0927-3034)(in English)
S.-C. Chiou and R. Krishnamurti (1995). “The Grammar of Taiwanese Traditional Vernacular Dwellings.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design (Vol. 22, No. 6, November 1995): 689-720. (SSCI, ISSN: 0265-8135)(in English)
S.-C. Chiou and R. Krishnamurti (1995). “The Fortunate Dimensions of Taiwanese Traditional Architecture.” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design (Vol. 22, No. 5; September 1995): 547-562. (SSCI, ISSN: 0265-8135)(in English)

邱上嘉、陳逸杰(2018).《2018臺灣建築史論壇論文集:文化視野中的建築史》.臺南市:臺灣建築史學會.(ISBN 978-986-85195-2-7)(in Chinese)
邱上嘉(計畫主持)(2012).《臺南市客家人口分布、聚落生活、文化環境資源調查研究計畫》.臺南市:臺南市政府.(ISBN 978-986-03-5667-0, 978-986-03-5670-0)
洪文雄(著)、邱上嘉(校編)(2011).《古蹟保存序說》(增訂再版).文化資產經典系列.臺中:行政院文化建設委員會文化資產總管理處籌備處.(ISBN 978-986-02-8749-3)
Teng-Wen Chang, Eric Champion, Sheng-Fen Chien, and Shang-chia Chiou (eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA). Department of Digital Media Design, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan.
徐慧民、邱上嘉、張嘉祥(2008).《九二一地震歷史建築修復成果專輯系列叢書(一)(二)(三)》.臺中:行政院文化建設委員會文化資產總管理處籌備處.(ISBN 978-986-01-7107-5全套、精裝,GPN 1009704088)
洪文雄、邱上嘉(2006).《彰化縣縣定古蹟丁家古厝(丁家大宅)修復工程工作報告書》.彰化:彰化縣文化局.(ISBN 986-00-4392-2)
邱上嘉(2003).《傳統建築文化與保存之研究》(On Culture and Preservation of Taiwanese Traditional Architecture).臺南:台灣建築與文化資產出版社.(ISBN 957-30880-7-X)
張文雄、陳俊宏、邱上嘉(總編輯).邱上嘉(執行編輯)(2002).《見證:文化資產九二一震災輯錄(二)》.臺北:行政院文化建設委員會.(ISBN 957-01-0866-5)
張文雄、陳俊宏、邱上嘉(總編輯).邱上嘉(執行編輯)(2002).《見證:文化資產九二一震災輯錄(一)》.臺北:行政院文化建設委員會.(ISBN 957-01-0865-7)
張文雄、陳俊宏、邱上嘉(總編輯).邱上嘉(執行編輯)(2002).《痕:文化資產九二一震災影像紀錄巡迴展專輯》.臺北:行政院文化建設委員會.(ISBN 957-01-0864-9)
張文雄、陳俊宏、邱上嘉(總編輯).邱上嘉(執行編輯)(2002).《文化資產九二一震災回顧與展望國際研討會論文集》.臺北:行政院文化建設委員會.(ISBN 957-01-0863-0)
邱上嘉 (2002).《傳統建築文化與運算之研究》(On Culture and Computation of Taiwanese Traditional Architecture).臺北:建築情報.(ISBN 957-0454-24-5)
邱上嘉(1990).《臺灣一般傳統木構造民宅營造技術的多樣性研究:以嘉南平原地區匠師訪談為例》.東海大學建築研究所1990年碩士論文.(in Chinese)

邱上嘉、鍾碧芬(2019).〈跨世代共學與課程創新〉.《春芽:大學社會參與的萌芽與茁壯―實作與累積》(郭耀煌等著).初版.臺南市:教育部大學社會責任推動中心.pp. 92-113.(ISBN 978-986-5444-27-3)(in Chinese)
Shang-chia Chiou (2017). “Architectural Conservation Based on Its Cultural DNA.” Morphological Analysis of Cultural DNA: Tools for Decoding Culture-Embedded Forms. Edited by Ji-Hyun Lee. Singapore: Springer. pp. 27-33. (ISBN 978-981-10-2328-6, eBook 978-981-10-2329-3)
Yuan Miao and Shang-chia Chiou (2014). “Numerical simulation and design strategy for wind environments: A case study of the typical Southern Fujian village.” Innovation, Communication and Engineering. Edited by Teen-Hang Meen, Stephen D. Prior, and Artde Donald Kin-Tak Lam. London, UK: CPC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 451-454. (ISBN 978-1-138-00117-6, eBook 978-1-315-81573-2)
邱上嘉(2013).〈從空間到場所:失落空間的再生-以嘉義阿里山林業村的活化再利用為例〉.《海峽兩岸及港澳地區建築遺產再利用研討會論文集及案例匯編》(國家文物局主編).北京:文物出版社.pp. 389-409.(ISBN 978-7-5010-3782-7)
邱上嘉(2004).〈文化資產保存法概述〉.《發現咱的新寶貝:文建會產業文化資產巡迴宣導專題講座第一站國防部實錄彙編》.臺北:行政院文化建設委員會.pp. 80-96.(ISBN 957-01-9052-3)
邱上嘉(2003).〈建築與歷史建築的基本概念〉.《歷史建築與金門》(李錫隆總編輯).金門:金門縣立文化中心.pp. 18-35.(ISBN 957-01-6094-2)
邱上嘉(2003).〈概說喬治.史坦尼的形狀語法〉(An Introduction of George Stiny’s Shape Grammars).《CAAD TALKS 2: 設計運算向度》(邱茂林 編).臺北:田園城市.pp. 116-127.(ISBN 986-7705-00-9)
邱上嘉(2003).〈空間設計領域技職教育〉.《技術及職業教育百科全書》(The Encyclopedia of Technological and Vocational Education)(第5冊-設計、藝術與語文類技職教育).技術及職業百科全書編輯委員會編撰執行小組編輯.臺北:教育部.pp. 116-129.(ISBN 957-01-3451-8)
邱上嘉(1993).《大肚鄉志》〈第玖篇 建築藝術〉.洪敏麟 總編輯.臺中縣大肚鄉:大肚鄉志編纂委員會.
邱上嘉(1990).〈臺灣一般傳統民宅匠師營造用語的多樣性與本土化初探〉.《臺灣史蹟源流研究會七十九年年會論文集》.臺中:臺灣省文獻委員會.pp. 169-205.
邱上嘉(1990).〈臺灣傳統木構造民宅的基本尺寸計畫探討〉.《(七十九年)臺灣史蹟源流研習會研究班論文集》(陳溪珍主編).臺北:臺灣史蹟研究中心.pp. 1-77.